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We have excellent opportunities for our more-able and talented pupils including access to the SEREN programme. We also enjoy strong links with the prestigious Wellington College, Berkshire and every year a small number of learners are enrolled onto their Wheeler Programme.

Wheeler Programme - Wellington College

Llwyddiant i flwyddyn deg yn y gystadleuaeth lleol a rhanbarthol gyda’r Academi Seren 2024

It is with immense pride and joy that we announce our year 10 Grwp Seren Cymraeg  – Eddie Scourfield, Taya Bowen, Lilyah Richards, Lara Jones, Orlaith Henshaw and Christina John having achieved a remarkable milestone by securing first place in the local stage of the Seren competition focused on generating ideas to increase the number of Welsh speakers to one million by the government's 2050 target. This accomplishment is a testament to their innovative thinking, teamwork, and commitment to promoting the Welsh language. We are incredibly proud of their success.  

A Monumental Victory: Our Pupils Win the 2024 Bilingual Conference 

In an exhilarating display of talent, passion, and vision, a group of six remarkable pupils from our school has clinched victory at the prestigious 2024 Bilingual Conference. Their presentation, aimed at exploring and implementing strategies to achieve a million Welsh speakers by 2050, stood out among the competition, propelling them to win both the area and regional finals. Competing against approximately 25 schools, their achievement not only marks a significant milestone for our institution but also for the promotion of the Welsh language. 

Y daith at lwyddiant / The Journey to Success 

The journey to the conference was a testament to our pupils' dedication and hard work. Guided by the Adran Gymraeg, the team embarked on rigorous research, engaging in numerous workshops and discussion sessions to refine their ideas and presentation skills. Their ability to present complex strategies in both English and Welsh fluently impressed the judges and audience alike, showcasing the importance and beauty of bilingualism. 

The Winning Presentation: Gweledigaeth 2050 

Focused on the ambitious goal of a million Welsh speakers by 2050, our pupils presented a comprehensive plan to Welsh government officials which included innovative education strategies, community engagement initiatives, and the use of technology to foster language learning. Their presentation was not only informative but also inspirational, highlighting the pivotal role of the younger generation in preserving and promoting cultural heritage and linguistic diversity. 

Edrych ymlaen /Looking Forward 

As we celebrate this momentous achievement, we are reminded of the journey ahead. The goal of a million Welsh speakers by 2050 is ambitious, but with the passion, dedication, and innovative ideas demonstrated by our pupils, we are confident that it is within our reach. Let's continue to support and inspire one another as we work towards this shared vision for the future of Wales. 

Diolch yn fawr! 

Together, let's make the dream of a bilingual Wales a reality. 


Stay tuned for updates on our initiatives and how you can get involved in supporting the Welsh language. Together, we can make a difference.