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Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School – Governing Body

In this section we have tried to compile the essential information that you will need to begin to understand more about the Governing Body and its work. We strive to help provide the best possible education for learners at our School and raise standards of achievement and support wellbeing. In the pursuit of these roles the Governing Body provides a strategic view of the work of the school; acts as a critical friend to the headteacher and staff; and ensures accountability to our communities.

The governors are supported in their work by specialists in the Archdiocese of Cardiff; Bridgend County Borough Council; and the Central Couth Consortium – Joint Education Service.

You can find out more about what governors do – and how to become a governor – by visiting the Governors Wales web site -

I hope you find this information of use.

Mrs Jackie Phillips, Chair of Governors


Governing Body Members

The Governing Body is made up of 21 individual members. They are made up of Foundation Governors, Parent Governors, Local Authority Governors, Staff Governors and the Headteacher. With the exception of the Headteacher all governors serve a term of four years and may be reappointed.

  • 12 governors are Foundation Governors nominated by Archdiocese. The current Foundation Governors are –
    • Ms Carmen Beveridge, Ms Philipa Eaton, Ms Chineme Emeghara, Mrs Angela Goldoni, Mrs Claire Jones, Mrs Collette Matchett, Father Tim McGrath, Mrs Jackie Phillips (Chair), Ms Susan Reynolds, Mr Christian Ryan, Mrs Cathy Sherwood, Mr Lyndon Watkins.
  • 3 governors are Parent Governors and elected by parents/guardians of children attending the school. The current Parent Governors are –
    • Ms Alexandra Clarke, Mr Ian Suggitt, Olubunmi Ajayi-Obanewa
  • 2 governors are Local Authority Governors nominated by Bridgend County Council. The current Local Authority Governors are –
    • Mr Kevin Pascoe, Mrs Helen Williams (vice chair)


  • 3 governors are Staff Governors and elected by the staff. The current Staff Governors are –
    • Ms Nicola Lewis, Ms Keran Machin and Ms Morag Williams


  • The Headteacher (Mr Ashley Howells) is normally a governor and this is by virtue of the office they hold.


Clerk to the Governors

The Governing Body is supported in its work by an independent and professional Clerk to the Governors. In addition to providing governors with procedural and legal advice, the Clerk is the main point of contact for the Governing Body. Our Clerk is Simone Delaney and her email address is -


Right to Inspect Governing Body Minutes

Any member of the public can inspect copies of the minutes of governor’s meetings at the school. Please contact the Clerk to the Governors to make arrangements to visit the school to inspect them.


Parents Right to Petition the Governing Body

The ‘Schools Standards and Organisation Act 2013’ has removed the requirement for School Governing Bodies to hold an Annual Meeting with parents. However, new arrangements mean that parents have the right to request up to 3 meetings in any school year with the Governing Body. For this to take place, the following 4 conditions need to be met:

• Parents will need to raise a petition in support of holding a meeting.

• The meeting must be called to discuss matters which affect the school. It is not designed to discuss individual matters. The petition should include brief details of the matter to be discussed and the reasons for calling the meeting.

• Parents can use this right to request up to 3 meetings with a school Governing Body during the school year.

• There must be at least 25 school days left in the year when the petition is received in order that the meeting can be held.

A ‘school day’ means a day when the school is open to pupils and does not include weekends, public or school holidays or ‘INSET’ days.

Further advice for parents can be found on the Welsh Government’s website at:

Any petition will need to be submitted to the Clerk to the Governors.